Thursday, June 23, 2016


Name: Muhammad Hariz Bin Sha'azza
Student ID: SCSJ 0023072
Date Of Birth: 3rd July 1998
Course: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering


Name: Goh Wai Ken
Student ID: SCSJ1601168
Date of birth: 1998 October 6
Course: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Name: Ng Eugene
Student ID: SCSJ1600767
Date of birth: 1998 December 27
Course: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Name: Ng Wey Shan
Student ID: SCSJ1600989
Date of birth: 1998 September 14
Course: Diploma in Psychology


Name: Dharshinie d/o chandra sengaran
Student ID: SCSJ1600674
Date of birth: 1998 November 10
Course: Diploma in Psychology
Name: Leong Shu Qing
Student ID: SCSJ1600682
Date of birth: 1998 August 21
Course: Diploma in Psychology


Past Progressive Tense Notes

                PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE NOTES                     

The Past Progressive Tense indicates continuing action, something that was happening, going on, at some point in the past. This tense is formed with the helping "to be" verb, in the past tense, and with the verb with -ing ending.

  •  I was cooking with my mother yesterday.
  •  He was watching television last night.

The past progressive indicates a limited duration of time and is thus a convenient way to indicate that something took place while something else was happening:


  •  He talk to his friend while teacher was teaching.
  •  They were eating when their friends showed up.

The past progressive tense also used on repeating action in the past.


  • They were always making fun of him.
  • You were always complaining.

              Singular                                                            Plural
  • I was eating.                                                  We were eating.
  • You were eating.                                            You were eating.
  • he/she/it was eating.                                      They were eating.

             Singular                                                             Plural
  • I was doing.                                                    We were doing.
  • You were doing.                                              You were doing.
  • he/she/it was doing.                                        They were doing.

Functions of the past continous

The past continuous describe actions or events in a time before now, which began in the past and is still going on at the time of speaking. In other words, its expresses an unfinished or incomplete action in the past.

  • Often, to describe the background in a story written in the past tense.
For example, "The sun was shining and the birds were singing as the elephant came out of the jungle."

  • To describe an unfished action that was interrupted by another event or action.
For example, "I was having a beautiful dream when the alarm clock rang."

  • To express a change of mind.
For example, "I was going to spend the day at the beach but I've decided to get my homework done instead."

Past Progressive Exercise

Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive)
EXAMPLE: When I phoned my friends, they (play)  monopoly.
  1. Yesterday at six I (prepare)  dinner.
  2. The kids (play)  in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
  3. (practise)  the guitar when he came home.
  4. We (not / cycle)  all day.
  5. While Aaron (work)  in his room, his friends (swim)  in the pool.
  6. I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not) .
  7. What (you / do)  yesterday?
  8. Most of the time we (sit)  in the park.

Put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive).
  1. Yesterday at six I was preparing(i) dinner.
  2. The kids were playing(i) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
  3. was practising(i) the guitar when he came home.
  4. We were not cycling all day.
  5. While Aaron was working in his room, his friends were swimming(i) in the pool.
  6. I tried to tell them the truth but they were not listening(i) .
  7. What were you doing(i) yesterday?
  8. Most of the time we were sitting(i) in the park.

Past Progressive Tense Exercise 2

Past Progressive Tense

Make the past progressive tense:
(Julie / sleep at three o’clock)
(you / study at three o’clock)
(Luke / read at three o’clock)
(I / work at three o’clock)
(they / eat chocolate at three o’clock)
(John / play tennis at three o’clock)
(we / watch TV at three o’clock)
(he / use the Internet at three o’clock)
(you / cook lunch at three o’clock)
(we / travel to London at three o’clock)
(Mrs. Brown / not / walk in the garden when the murder happened)
 (Mr. Black / not / work in his study when the murder happened)
(Miss Jones / not / talk to Mr. White when the murder happened)
(you / not / play cards when the murder happened)
(Dr. Ford / not / read in his room when the murder happened)
(Mr. and Mrs. Green / not / eat in the dining room when the murder happened)
(Mr. Blue / not / drink coffee in the library when the murder happened)
(the maid / not / clean the bedrooms when the murder happened)
(I / not / listen to music when the murder happened)
(the dogs / not / play outside when the murder happened) 


[Answer] Past Progressive Tense Exercise 2


1. Julie was sleeping.
2. You were studying.
3. Luke was reading.
4. I was working.
5. They were eating chocolate.
6. John was playing tennis.
7. We were watching TV.
8. He is using the Internet.
9. You were cooking lunch.
10. We were travelling to London. (in the USA ‘traveling’)
11. Mrs. Brown wasn’t walking in the garden.
12. Mr. Black wasn’t working in his study.
13. Miss Jones wasn’t talking to Mr. White.
14. You weren’t playing cards.
15. Dr. Ford wasn’t reading in his room.
16. Miss Green and her brother weren’t eating in the dining room.
17. Mr. Blue wasn’t drinking coffee in the library.
18. The maid wasn’t cleaning the bedrooms.
19. I wasn’t listening to music.
20. The dogs weren’t playing outside.