Thursday, June 23, 2016


Name: Muhammad Hariz Bin Sha'azza
Student ID: SCSJ 0023072
Date Of Birth: 3rd July 1998
Course: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering


Name: Goh Wai Ken
Student ID: SCSJ1601168
Date of birth: 1998 October 6
Course: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Name: Ng Eugene
Student ID: SCSJ1600767
Date of birth: 1998 December 27
Course: Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Name: Ng Wey Shan
Student ID: SCSJ1600989
Date of birth: 1998 September 14
Course: Diploma in Psychology


Name: Dharshinie d/o chandra sengaran
Student ID: SCSJ1600674
Date of birth: 1998 November 10
Course: Diploma in Psychology
Name: Leong Shu Qing
Student ID: SCSJ1600682
Date of birth: 1998 August 21
Course: Diploma in Psychology


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